Part 2
North to South via the East coast of
the Americas
Leg 5
back from Alert, Canada (the most Northern airfield modelled in FS2002) to
Qikiqtarjuaq on the North East coast of Canada. Another leg in darkness but some
surprisingly pleasing screenshots!
Leg 6
South to Poste Montagnais with a very odd sighting on the way!
Leg 7
Poste Montagnais
to Rockcliffe Airport, Ottawa.
Leg 8
Rockcliffe Airport,
Ottawa to Ronald Reagan Airport, Washington D.C. A mammoth leg taking in 5
airports and 1,837nm.
Leg 9
Ronald Reagan Airport, Washington D.C.
to San Andros airport in The Bahamas, via Disney World Florida.
Leg 10
real endurance flight this one. San Andros Airport in
The Bahamas to Alta Floresta in Brazil via Panama and Venezuela. 3,320nm
and fractionally under 18 hours of real flight time.
Alta Floresta in Brazil to Antonio C.
Jobim International Airport in Rio De Janeiro. An arrival I never want to
Leg 12
Antonio C.
Jobim International Airport in Rio De Janeiro to Carrasco International
airport in Montevideo, Uruguay. Mostly uneventful, thank goodness!!
Leg 13
Carrasco International
airport in Montevideo, Uruguay to Guardiamarina Zanatu airport Chile via Stanley
airport in The Falkland Islands. The dreaded 13th leg...