| All done in real time - no acceleration of time
inside the sim. I will be using the autopilot though. The times flown will
also be real.
Experience from my last attempt has shown me that this is best done during
the day (local time) for the purposes of taking pictures, but this may not always be
possible depending upon what time I can actually find enough time on my P.C.
to make the flight.
 | Air Traffic Control will be used and adhered to at all times
 | Navigation by VFR Rules (loosely). I'm not setting
up any flight plans. I've only a rough idea of which route I'm taking and
this could change at any time during the flight depending upon requests from
site visitors, places I discover en route that I want to explore further, or
what time my dinner will be ready. GPS will be the primary navigation aid
 | Where possible, it will be flown using real weather,
including turbulence. This isn't always possible as I no longer have a
broadband connection. In the event that I'm unable to use real weather, I'll
take a best guess at the weather conditions and set them up.
 | If I crash, I'll assess the likelihood of a fatality
and if it proves to be realistically terminal, I'll end the flight.
Otherwise there will be a respite while I repair the aircraft and take off
again from the nearest airfield.
 | Re-fuelling will only undertaken at airports, not
Because I'll be navigating by Visual Flight Rules and flying through some fairly barren
areas at times, I'm taking the liberty of re-fuelling at any airfield,
irrespective of whether or not it provides a re-fuelling facility. At airports
which don't provide a re-fuelling area, I'll assume that some
local farmer/eskimo/passing pizza delivery van <grin> takes sympathy on me and goes
to get me some.
 | The aircraft specification for performance is
standard. I'm using a modified panel and airfile (see Hardware
and Software), but otherwise, no turbo-charging or other performance
enhancing effects.
 | I am flying solo and will be the only person
piloting the aircraft throughout the duration of the flight. |